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Trip to Australia, 2004
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After the lake we went further north, on deserted roads, scattered were farms, many of them for sale. Some even deserted. Apparently rural life here is not too easy. The drought does now last for years. There used to be a 20 year cycle. A few years abundant rain, then slowly less and less, till the cycle starts again after some 20 years. However, this varies by region. In Mudgee, a wine centre we buy a local wine, 3 times as expensive as a better Australian wine in Holland. We spend the night at Gilgandra. In the night we visited the observatory. The Alpha Centaurus, the closest star to us, was good visible. Stunning was the Orion nebula, a double star and Venus. The rings of Saturn were so clearly visible that Birgitt asked if they projected a picture. It was an unforgettable experience. Next morning it's cooler, 30º, we start our morning run early. We run 9 kms in a flat landscape. Thousands of parrots and cockatoos make a terrible noise. Most are grey with a red front, but many big white Sulphur crested cockatoos fly around as well. Some are joining the groups of red/greys. If you ever wished to have a parrot in a cage, please come and see here how these magnificent agile flyers have fun together. They never should live in a cage. Then we set course top the Warumbangol National Park. It has many steep mountains, former volcanoes. The top consist often of vertical basalt rocks. Here we saw our first kangaroo this trip.

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